Creative Embers with Ellen Franklyn-Carr
Create Shift
S4 Ep5: Create Shift S4,ep5: Food Waste Facts and Solutions with Open Kitchen MCR

S4 Ep5: Create Shift S4,ep5: Food Waste Facts and Solutions with Open Kitchen MCR

Food waste is a huge problem within the Western world with over one third of all food produced globally going to waste. Open Kitchen MCR is a social enterprise here in Manchester working to do their bit to help combat this issue. In Create Shift S4,ep5 I chat with Steph Lynch-Ozamar who is the Communications and Campaigns Manager for Open Kitchen MCR. We chat about the work they do and how they do it and I learn what gleaning is and how many millions (!) of bananas go to waste t a household level every day. If you listened to my solo episode on What is Holistic Living you'll know I'm really passionate about holistic living being more than aromatherapy, candles and yoga asana. To me holistic living has a lot to do with being connected to others and the world around us, and doing what we can to make that a better place. So, it's important to me that we learn about organisations such as Open Kitchen MCR and support them if and how we can. I hope  you enjoy the episode. 

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Creative Embers with Ellen Franklyn-Carr
Create Shift
Conversations in the space between arts, creativity, holistic wellbeing and entrepreneurship. Hosted by Ellen Franklyn-Carr - holistic & trauma sensitive coach for artists and creatives; trauma sensitive yoga teacher & creative practitioner. Creating a rebel army of nourished artists, creating heart-led work with the potential to change the world.