Can we stop with the tortured artist bullshit already?
I am so over it. It's not doing anyone any good.
“it will tear your heart out and leave you lonely” that’s what Uncle Boris says of art in his memorable speech in Spielberg’s latest film The Fabelmans. Judd Hirsch plays the tortured artist expertly. Lines in his monologue cut deep, exposing the memories of how I have – too – been a tortured artist.
“Art is no game, art is dangerous as a lion’s mouth. It’ll bite your head off”
How many more times will we hear the tortured artist narrative? I’m kind of done with it now, to be honest. I think we can all picture it. The artistic genius (white, male, able bodied – usually) with ruffled hair, scruffy clothes and a look like they haven’t slept in days. The tortured artist sacrifices themselves at the altar of art, deriving perverse pleasure from the cruelty of the muse.
Maybe it’s partly down to our society demeaning art, not viewing it as a ‘real job’ that we buy into this myth so much. I’ve certainly told people “I don’t like to write”, comparing it to the act of birthing a child (of which I have zero experience) and not a pleasurable activity. Perhaps we feel that sharing how painful the work of creating is validates it as a career choice. I don’t go in for that anymore.
I think the myth of the tortured artist is - like the myth of the starving artist – a dangerous one that keeps certain people locked out of the ivory towers of art and creativity. Primary caregivers; those with less economic means who need to work other jobs alongside their art; those living with disabilities, chronic health conditions, mental health challenges – most of these people do not have the ‘luxury’ of being a tortured artist.
True, art often comes from trauma and places of pain. I’m not denying that, or saying we should only create work about joy and positive things (although why not bring more of that into the world?). I do not – however – believe that in order to create any kind of art, we have to suffer. The ‘no pain no gain’ messaging is outdated and untrue.
Let’s be clear: suffering is part of life, and all work comes with challenges to overcome. Suffering and challenge, therefore, are going to be part of art too. But so are joy, fulfillment, contentment. There is also an element of sacrifice within art and creativity. Sometimes we need to sacrifice things in order to focus on our creative projects, I’d even argue there’s an element of sacrificing of self in the sense of surrendering ego to something bigger – a different energy, a higher power. But the idea that art will ruin our lives? No. Come on, let’s move on now.
Yes, art and creativity can “eat you up” as Uncle Boris says. Yes, it can stop you from having relationships and fulfillment in other areas of life – so can any other addiction. This tortured artist bullshit: it’s obsession, addiction, it’s a survival mechanism. It is not how you have to be in order to be an artist or creative.
Let’s create a new paradigm for artists and creatives. One where our hearts stay firmly in our chests, where we nourish them with self-love, creative practice, fulfilling relationships and all the other things that lift us up. Let’s get therapy/seek other support when we need it, let’s work with getting to know and support our nervous systems so we can create from a loving, boundaried and supported place.